Volunteer Opportunities.
In addition to engaging in projects organized by Temple Israel groups, Temple Israel members have worked and volunteered at area community service organizations including the following:
The places we volunteer our time.
Habitat for hummanity
They invest in programs that provide for a safety net for families experiencing challenges and focus on education to get up stream on reducing poverty. They connect communities, people and hope.
CoxHealth is the area leader in health care and community involvement, with six hospitals, more than 80 clinics, five ERs and nearly 12,000 employees throughout southwest Missouri.
Harmony House
The mission of Harmony House is to provide shelter, advocacy and education to survivors of domestic violence and promote the principle that all individuals have the right to a life free of abuse.
Aids Project OF the ozarks
AIDS Project of the Ozarks (APO) is a non-profit community-based organization serving a 29 county region in southwest Missouri.
The kitchen
In 2018, The Kitchen, Inc. housed 593 people including 98 families with children. More than 40 percent of people they served were under the age of 18. Housing is the key!
Jordan Valley community health center
Jordan Valley Community Health Center is a Federally Qualified Health Center founded in 2003 to provide medical services to the Springfield community.
“You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it.”