The Sisterhood of Temple Israel is a group of diverse women welcoming and bonding with other women through programming and social activities. We strengthen our synagogue and the community through support and outreach.
What we do
Sisterhood brings women of the congregation together for friendship, support, and spiritual growth by performing Mitzvah and Tikkun Olam outreach to our congregation and its members, as well as to the greater community and beyond the boundaries of our city, state, and country. We support congregational activities, provide bikkur holim for congregants, and provide aid to those in the larger community through financial aid and actions.
How to get involved
Contact Sisterhood President Judith Peavey at to find out more about joining Sisterhood. Read Sisterhood Corner in Temple Talk every month to find out about Sisterhood activities.
“Sisterhood aims to bring the women of Temple Israel together for social interaction and support and to provide mitzvah and tikun olam actions for the congregation, the community at large and beyond. ”