The Foundation.
Supporting the tradition.
The Foundation was created in 1992 as a vehicle for creation of an endowment fund which would provide long-term security for funds donated to the congregation, and as a means of financing primarily long term capital projects for the temple. Support also includes capital campaigns, endowment giving, planned giving and “emergency- like” projects that aren’t exactly planned for in a given year. The Foundation is governed by the Board of Trustees, two of whom are also members of the Board of Directors of the Temple. The Foundation’s fundamental purpose is protect a healthy financial future for Temple Israel and ensure a permanent place for the Jewish community in the Ozarks.
“The Foundation provides thoughtful deliberation and financial support for strategic initiatives and long-term capital projects. In recent years it has become a backstop/safety-net to the Temple, such as offering assistance in emergent or critical circumstances that are beyond the Temple board’s scope or available resources.”