Youth Education.
The mission of Temple Israel Religious School is to foster Jewish identity. Children who enroll in the Religious School join a community of Jewish peers. While in the school, the children learn the knowledge and skills they need in order to participate in the Jewish life of Temple Israel and elsewhere.
Throughout the Religious School experience, our Rabbi and teachers highlight values exemplified by the lives and deeds of Jewish people past and present and values that guide Jewish organizations we support. In this way, we share our pride in a Jewish identity.
What we do.
Religious education begins with learning about and celebrating holidays and learning Jewish vocabulary. As the students get older they study Mitzvot and Tanach stories and explore ideas about God. They progress to exploring Jewish values using texts including Tanach, Talmud, and modern Jewish scholars. In middle school, the students study Israel, Jewish history and various other topics referencing Jewish texts in order to view these subjects through a Jewish lens.
How it works.
We offer Religious education as Sunday school for students pre K through 7h grade. In addition, students typically begin midweek Hebrew classes in the third grade. The Hebrew program consists of four years of prayer book Hebrew study. Bar and Bat Mitzvah tutoring is done by our Rabbi.
Get your child involved.
If you have questions regarding our youth education program please fill out our convenient form below. Our Education chair will reach out to as soon as possible. (We will never share information you provide with to us with anyone outside our organization.)
“L’dor V’dor. From one generation to another.”